Frequently Asked Questions

Nano Dezenfeksiyon virüslere karşı %99.99 ve bakterilere karşı %99.999 etkili, %100 bitkisel içeriğe sahip ve nano gümüş teknolojisi ile üretilmiş dezenfektan ile gerçekleştirilen bir sterilizasyon işlemidir. Etkisi 3 aydır.
Yes! Thanks to the nano disinfection, You will get rid of 99.99% of nearly 50 viruses and 99.999% of the bacteria and funghi in your living area. During the procedure, viruses will disappear within 1-5 minutes, bacterias within 15 seconds, and fungi within 5 minutes. Moreover, this process will be effective for 3 months!
Nano Disinfection is being done by spraying disinfectant containing nano silver particles with the help of a professional machine to penetrate all the desired area. It does not cause any damage on your furniture and skin, and does not require cleaning after the process is completed.
Nano Disinfection is not a standard house cleaning process. You don't have to have house cleaning before or after the procedure. However, we recommend you to book a domestic cleaning before the process and have the disinfection in a more sterile environment
During whole process, products with 100% herbal content are being used. The process does not cause any alergic reactions that harms the functioning of living metabolism. They are produced with completely harmless ingredients and suitable to human contact. You can enjoy your home during and after this process.
Farklı bitki türlerini kullanarak; gümüş, çinko, demir gibi maddelerin antimikrobiyal ve antikanserojen özellikteki nanopartikül sentezini yapmaktadır. Bu sayede doğaya ve insan sağlığına zararsız yüzde yüz bitkisel endüstriyel ürünlerin üretilmesini sağlamış olacaktır. Bu dezenfektanda kullanılan gümüş sadece, Avrupa Birliği Kimya Ajansı, ECHA, tarafından onaylanmış tedarikçilerden satın alınmaktadır.